Friday I went to Manchester Nh to meet up with and old friend, she found me on facebook and we have been talking for quite some some between facebooking, texting, and talking on the phone. It was great to see her after all these years.
The small above picture is of us back in the day
something like over 17 yrs ago
we were at a fair on a school trip
the one on the left is Angela another old school friend who I have not seen in years,
the one in the middle/back is Diana,
and of course on the right is me with the hideous belly bag
We had a great time together we laughed so hard, it was like it has not been seventeen whole years since we seen each other. It was a fantastic time. Diana and I went out to an upscale lounge/club that another of my friends plays guitar. We should have taken pictures while we we dressed up but forgot and took them the next day. there is pic of us. then of our kids.

we look worn out, it was a long night catching up.
her two on the left are Amanda and Brynn, and my two on the right Alexis and Dylan
Here is to old friends and new friends.
Diana and I have such similar stories its uncanny it is like we are long lost sisters. Here is to continued friendships