1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager? I think that the biggest trouble I ever got in was for ringing up the telephone bill, we had went on vacation and i met a kid from New Jersey that I talked on the phone with for hours and hours, to bad they did not have unlimited long distance back then like now.
2. Are you a morning person or a night person? how about an afternoon person, I am not full fuctioning in the morning but I am not a night owl either, I guess I take the middle road.
3. Are you a one-handed or a two-handed Texter? I think I am a 2 thumb texter mostly
4. Democrat, Republican, or Independent..or maybe even Green Party (whatever that is). not very political, I vote for who I think will do the better job.
5. Are you a pet person? I like dogs, my my kids each have a cat cause dogs are not allowed in my apartment.
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