Friday, January 8, 2010

5 Question Friday hosted by Mama M

I am going to join up for Mama M's bloghop this week for her 5 question Friday, Go check her out at

My Little Life

1. What's your "comfort food"?
I like Soup  there is nothing better than a cup o soup to cure it all. I like home made soup the best but in a pinch a can of a homestyle soup will do.

2. Do you send Thank You's (handwritten or email)?
I usually say thank you in person or on the phone if it cannot be face to face.

3. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
There are so many to chose from, I have so many favorites. Okay I'll pick true blood... I would be one of Sookie Stackhouse's best friends... Okay House would be next choice

4. What is your favorite online recipe site?
I don't really have one

5. If you had to choose: "Friends" or "Seinfeld"?
I guess friends because I have never found Seinfeld interesting at all


  1. Oh, I love True Blood!!

    Have a wonderful weekend! =)

  2. Agree...soup cures everything!! Hope to see you next week!

    Mama M.
    My Little Life
